After my friend Kim died, I sort of inherited a large number of her quilt tops--meaning that I saved them from going to Deseret Industries, in the trash, or other suggestions her husband had for them. Her daughters wanted the quilts and her husband didn't want them in the house anymore, so I brought them home to keep until a time when the girls will have homes of their own and take them back. As a service I thought it would be fun to finish some of them, so several of my friends and relatives have taken some to quilt. There were more than 20 finished quilt tops and at least that many more unfinished. I especially want to get the baby quilts done so that Kim's grandchildren can have one of her beautiful creations.
Seeing all of Kim's unfinished projects got me to thinking about my own, so I determined to spend the summer sewing-- that when I'm gone there won't be so much for my family to complete or get rid of.
Although not part of my completion list, this is the quilt I made for little Marcus and even a picture of Marcus enjoying a little time on it. The pattern is Wheels by Sandy Workman. It was quilted at Sew 'n' Save and the quilter included little VW Beetles as part of her pattern.
I took a couple of weeks off of my projects in June to help sew some Wizard of Oz costumes for Kaysville City's summer production. I usually am their accompanist, but our director used a minus track this year and I only did a little playing at the beginning of the rehearsal schedule. That gave me some time to help with the costumes. I sewed the Emerald City costumes for Jenny and Sam, who were the only ones from my family to perform this year. I also sewed the coat of the guard to Emerald City. All of the costumes were pretty complicated--it took one whole week just to get everything cut out. If Melissa hadn't stepped in to help me finish at the last minute, some people might have only been wearing partial costumes. What a lot of work! I'm glad I wasn't the one responsible for everything! I'll have to see if I can find some pictures of the costumes and post them at another time.

The last picture for this post is the quilt I've made for Joel and Emilee's baby, due anytime now. This one is a variation of a pattern called Up in the Air by Two Peas in a Pod. Sew 'n' Save did the quilting using some bus and other vehicle motifs as well as pine trees on the quilt. We just can't wait to meet the the little guy this one belongs to!