Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hooray for #38

This past week we celebrated our 38th wedding anniversary with dinner and a movie--a very nice way to celebrate the fact that we're still together and going strong. I have been shocked and saddened lately to hear of family members and friends who have divorced after many years together, so I know not to take 38 years for granted--we don't necessarily have it made! We have to keep working on our relationships if we want them to last. I'm so lucky to have ended up with my best friend, who is as committed to us and our family as I am. I asked him if he wanted to try for another 38 years and when he figured out how old we'd be, he decided that we'd better go for eternity instead. So here's to many more years of happiness together on earth and an eternity of happy years later!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Big Winner

For years Jim has been known for his humorous drawings, but about a year ago he took a watercolor class at the Bountiful Davis Art Center and let the serious artist emerge from within.
This week he had enough courage to enter two pieces in the Davis County Fair and ended up with a blue ribbon for "Ben", our grandson on a tractor. He also received Best in Division for his colorful street scene, "Recife". I am so proud of him! And how nice for him to receive validation from someone outside his family! Congratulations!

Jim and "Ben"


Sunday, August 7, 2011


Another precious blessing has joined our family this past week. Little Joshua Bradley was born on Tuesday evening and is the first grandson to carry on the family name. Where we had so many daughters, our grandsons certainly are outnumbering the granddaughters at this point. It doesn't matter--we adore them all!
The happy family

Joshua with his Great-Grandpa Kirkham