Saturday, January 10, 2009


I work part-time at an elementary school as a computer keyboarding teacher for one hour and as a 504 assistant for about four hours each day. A 504 assistant works with a specific special needs student or students and also is an aide to the teacher. The class where I work is a multi-age group consisting of two teachers, sixty-seven 4th, 5th, and 6th graders, and me. We are the MAC class and you can't find a better group of kids anywhere. You can imagine that sometimes it is noisy (very noisy) and chaotic, but mostly things run smoothly and a lot of learning takes place. I have a great job!


Joan said...

You must be so very patient!
I love working w/ the kindergarten class - but as a TA, don't know if I could control 30 kidos by myself

hey, read a new book:
Wildwood Dancing. Really cute fairytale - you should check it out. It made me get teary eyed only one time. There, I have given you fair warning. ;)
so glad you liked these is my words - she is an amazing story teller!