Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New Babies

With our busy schedule lately I'm so far behind in my blogging that I haven't even acknowledged the new babies we welcomed into our family in May. First of all, on May 6th we welcomed Adam and Emily's little son, Benjamin Floyd. He is such a beautiful little guy and we love every moment we get to spend with him.

A few days later, Jim welcomed his "dream come true" baby. He finally has a truck to call his own. It really is nice for each of us to have a vehicle to drive after sharing for so many years. The kids have always had first dibs on our second car. I'll blog about the fun trip we took to break the truck in soon. And yes, for anyone who cares, we did take it "off roading". And can I say how much I love satellite radio? It is spoiling me for any other format!


Emily said...

I can't believe Ben was ever that small! either that or Nate's hands are huge. What a cute picture of him. I love satellite radio too, I miss mine.

Emily said...

that is Nate holding him isn't it?

Natalie said...

Benjamin is a beautiful baby! Congrats.