We've had two baptisms in the family in the past few months. Melissa's stepson, Brennan, was baptized in December and her son, Brandon, was baptized in February. The above photo is Brennan with his Dad, Kyle and the following photo is of Brandon on his baptism day.

Our family is getting big enough now that we celebrate birthdays one Sunday dinner a month. It's noisy and crazy when all 25 of us are crammed into our house, but we wouldn't have it any other way. Sam is our only January birthday, so she had her own celebration. We won't mention what the three candles stand for.

February's birthday celebration honored Danny, Joel, Brandon, and Kyle. What a handsome and great bunch of guys!

Jeremy was chosen as West Bountiful's employee of the month for January. Quoting an article from the Standard-Examiner (Ogden) on February 18th, "(Brown) feels a tremendous responsibility to always act from a place of integrity in his dealings with the public and other officers. He treats people as he'd like to be treated and administers his duties with fairness and a kind heart." The article calls him an exemplary employee with a great attitude and a pleasant demeanor and goes on to tell more about some of the things he has accomplished. Way to go Jeremy!

Can I get a copy of the article? Jer never said anything about it to us.
What a great family! :)
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