Tuesday, August 24, 2010

37 Years Down, Eternity to Go

Today is our 37th wedding anniversary. I maintain that I am one of the most fortunate of women to have Jim for a husband. The little family that started with just the two of us has now increased to 28 members and what a great time we've had as each new person has joined us. We bought new pillows for our bed for gifts this year, but Jim cheated and surprised me with a beautiful bouquet of roses as well. (That's the only kind of cheating I like.) We went to Maddox for dinner tonight to celebrate and the celebrating will continue with a little upcoming trip to Heber City. Is it okay for me to wish us many more happy anniversaries?


Britt O. said...

Happy Anniversary!! Hope you have a fun time celebrating 37 years : )We love you guys!

Natalie said...

I agree- you snagged a good one. But he didn't do so bad himself. :) Congrats!

Joan said...

i missed it! happy anniversary!