Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Today my Dad is 84 years young. He has overcome many challenges in his life, including growing up without a father. Dad, the oldest of three children, was about 5 years old when his father passed away. It was in 1929, the beginning of the depression, and he ended up living with various relatives as his mother tried to make do. He served in the Navy during WWII and the Korean War and went on to have careers in civil service, real estate, and construction. He also served an LDS mission to Hawaii. He is still physically active--jogging and caring for a garden, yard, and orchard. He is devoted to my mother and cares for her in so many ways. I admire so many things about him and am grateful that he is the one that raised me. Happy birthday Dad!


Sammie said...

I sure wish he'd write his history. Looking forward to his birthday bash this weekend.

Steve said...

He's great, isn't he? I'm sure proud to have him for a grandfather! Wish we could have been there for the birthday celebration!