Sunday, July 25, 2010

Baby Quilts

During the past months I have been busy making quilts for all the new babies that have come to our family. Now the last one is completed and Jonathan, Alexis, and Daniel have taken possession of the quilts made by their Grandma Johnson and paid for in part by Great-grandma Kirkham, with lots of love from both.
Daniel's quilt:
Animal Junction

Alexis' quilt:
Slide Show

Jonathan's quilt:
Monkey in the Middle


Britt O. said...

You are so amazing Aunt Sue! They all turned out so cute.

stevielouj said...

So cute Mom!

Missann said...

Very cute Mom!The quilt looks so cute in Jonathan's crib.

Joan said...

soooo cute! i need to have you come teach me how to quilt!!! do you send off your quilts to get "finished" or do you do it your self? you are amazing!