Some of the people we've spent a lot of time with in July:
First of all, the cast of Seussical the Musical. Jim, Jenny, the new grandbabies, and I all got to participate in the show. For once I got to be IN it and I had a blast. We adults all played "Whos" and Jim was also "Yertle the Turtle". The babies played the baby elephant bird that hatches from Horton's egg. What a terrific, talented cast and we were ably led by our equally terrific, talented directors. Thanks to Kristin and Jessica.
We've spent a lot of time with the family at barbecues, parties, and parades. These photos come from the Kaysville and Farmington parades. Love those patriotic specs, Emily and Adam!
James and Emily don't exactly love the sirens.

We spent a fabulous, almost three hours with Paul McCartney in concert. What a great and gracious entertainer. He sounds and looks wonderful. Some of the songs made me tear up a little and for a few hours Jim and I felt young again.

Another trip down memory lane was my 40th high school reunion last weekend. This photo, used for the invitation, is from the cover of my senior year yearbook. (I was one of the editors.) I am the skinny girl toward the bottom of the steps, going up, with my hand on the railing, in case you were wondering. I had a great time renewing friendships and "remembering when". Jim was a good sport to attend with me, but he knew a fair share of these people as he graduated from the same high school a year earlier. Dear old Davis High School...
That picture from your yearbook makes me a little sad. I miss the old Davis.
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